School uniforms

No, not for the children, but us parents that drop them off and pick them up! Today I left the house to do school pick up, in my (new) tracksuit pants and top. I felt so underdressed leaving the house, but I really couldn’t be bothered changing, adding make up and adjusting my hair, that’s for work days or special occasions.

It reminded me of a Facebook post I read the other week, written by another Mum who was bagging the Mum’s who wear their workout wear to do pick up, just to prove they go to the gym or  do some form of exercise…..

So if I’m underdressed in my tracksuit, gym wear is just for show, then what is the “uniform” we should be wearing to pick up our children? This is why I for one am glad for school uniforms for the children, it stops the judgement that comes with individual decision making! We wonder why children loose their innocence, it’s because everyone around them makes them feel judged for everything they do as they get older. There is a “look” we all have to have, I’m 32 and I have no idea what that is!

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